
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Malachy - Work hard and concentrate

Malachy has really impressed us with his super Maths this week. It really shows that he listens well, works hard and challenges himself!

Owls: Rosie - Work hard and concentrate

Rosie continues to impress us with her attitude towards her learning, she stays on task, is always focussed and tries her very best. Well done!

Leopards: Kayden - Respect yourself and others

Congratulations on a positive start to your learning journey at St. Andrew's, you brighten up the class with your smile!

Wolves: Jude - Improve

Jude always gives 100% in every lesson and contributes readily to class discussions. He has really been challenging himself in Maths of late too. Keep it up!

Meerkats: Joshua - Work hard and concentrate

Josh has amazed us this week with his focus in all areas of learning, especially his reading. Reading with expression and fluency of late. Well done!

Narwhals: Kyle - Improve

Kyle has blown us away with his effort to improve his handwriting this week and he is rightly proud of himself. Keep it up!

Squirrels: Tristan - Work hard and concentrate

Tristan has impressed us all this week, he has shown developing independence and an ability to work hard and adapt. We are very proud of you, Tristan!

Sport Cup: Jasmine - Improve

Wow, you have worked really hard at home and at school with your foot work, making accurate passes in games! Well done!

