
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Rafe - Respect yourself and others

Rafe has had such a positive attitude recently. He has been enjoying school and showing us his lovely smile. It's so lovely to see you so happy!

Owls: Harrison - Respect yourself and others

Harrison has had a super week, making good choices, listening to others, being kind and respectful of others around him.

Leopards: Jase - Improve

Jase, you are impressing ALL the leopards with your improved attitude to learning, keep up the good work. I'm so proud of you!

Wolves: Angel - All learning behaviours

Angel always works hard in lessons, sharing ideas and showing imagination. Keep it up!

Meerkats: Edward - Work hard and concentrate

Edward has pushed himself in his learning this week, especially in his spellings, striving for accuracy. Well done!

Narwhals: Emily - Improve

Emily has really persevered with more challenging texts in Guided Reading and her reading stamina is improving ALL the time! Keep it up!

Squirrels: Jake - Work hard and concentrate

Jake works hard in Maths each week but has particularly impressed us with his shape translation work this week. Well done!

Sport Cup: Kyle - Work hard and concentrate

Kyle always enjoys his learning in PE and focuses on all the right things. He quietly and confidently explored early technique in hockey this week, striving for accuracy. Well done!


