
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Betty - All learning behaviours

Betty is a shining example to her fellow Penguins, always working hard, making choices and being kind to others. You're a star!

Owls: Arna - Work hard and concentrate

Arna has been trying so hard to stay focussed during our Nativity rehearsals. She is joining in with all the songs and being respectful of others.

Leopards: Tahir - Work hard and concentrate

Tahir always approaches learning with enthusiasm, he manages distractions and knows the importance of listening to help his learning. Your maths understanding has been fantastic this week. Well done!

Wolves: Lola - Respect yourself and others

Lola is always a kind and considerate friend, who shows respect to everyone in school. A truly lovely example to our whole community.

Meerkats: Isabel - Work hard and concentrate

Issy has managed her distractions in all areas of her learning this week and strived for accuracy in her times tables. Well done!

Narwhals: Alfie - Respect yourself and others

Alfie is always looking out for those around him and shows compassion and kindness without hesitation when others need a listening ear. Well done!

Squirrels: Daniel - Work hard and concentrate

Daniel has diligently focussed on his work this week, he has listened carefully and put 100% effort into all his class work. Well done!

Sport cup: Evie - Work hard and concentrate

Evie was completely focussed in PE this week. She showed great listening skills and some lovely early tag rugby techniques. Evie is always on target and is a pleasure to teach. Well done!

