Penguins: Harley - All learning behaviours
Harley has impressed us all this week. He has returned from half term and dived straight into his learning. Well done!
Owls: Louie - Work hard and concentrate
Louie has tried so hard when doubling numbers this week. He impressed us by using numicon independently to help.
Leopards: Ruby - Respect yourself and others
Ruby has taken Cacie under her wing and made sure she is looked after for her first few weeks of school. Well done!
Wolves: Abi - All learning behaviours
Abi always gives 100% to every lesson, she supports her peers and relishes the challenge. Keep it up!
Meerkats: Leo - Work hard and concentrate
Leo created a wonderful acrostic poem in English, using a range of poetic devices. he also strived for accuracy in Maths when working on fractions. Well done!
Narwhals: Ruby - Improve
Ruby is working incredibly hard, both in and out of school to improve her spelling and really is reaping the rewards. We are so proud of you!
Squirrels: Charlotte - All learning behaviours
Charlotte is a superstar member of 'Squirrel Class'. She loves to challenge herself and is a supportive learning partner. Well done!
Sport Cup: Daniel - Work hard and concentrate
Daniel really impressed us with his basketball skills this week, using effective dribbling techniques to shield the ball from an opponent. Well done!