Penguins: Lilly-Rose - Respect yourself & others
Lilly plays beautifully with other children, taking turns and sharing toys. She also comforts her friends when they need it most. What a kind Penguin you are!
Owls: Chloe - Work hard and concentrate
Chloe impressed us with her first 'Big Write' of year 1! She wrote an amazing description of her Owl, Dash, and used some super adjectives. Well done!
Leopards: Leo - Respect yourself and others
Leo is a kind, caring and gentle member of Leopard class. He works brilliantly independently and with others. Leo , you should be very proud of your 'Big Write' too!
Wolves: Sophia - Improve
Sophia really impressed me with an excellent 'Big Write' this week, working hard on her presentation.
Meerkats: Kayden - Respect yourself and others
Kayden has been a superstar this week, working hard in lessons and spending his own time helping Miss Taylor in the classroom.
Narwhals: Emily - Try new things
Emily has really thrown herself into the challenge of our Guided Reading novel and responded so enthusiastically and reflectively during discussions. Well done!
Squirrels: Whole class - All learning behaviours
It was a delight to be part of Squirrels PGL adventure last week. They were a pleasure to be with, kind and supportive to each other throughout their many personal challenges.
Sport Cup: Arna - Work hard and concentrate
Arna managed distractions and really enjoyed her learning during ball games in PE this week. She worked beautifully with her partner and showed amazing accuracy. Well done!