
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Mark - All learning behaviours

Mark is such a brilliant Penguin. He's kind, caring, helpful and tries hard to follow all the Penguin rules. Well done!

Owls: Delilah Salter - Work hard and concentrate

Delilah has had a super week. She has impressed us with her maths learning and inspired others to challenge themselves with numicon. Well done!

Leopards: Jacob - Respect yourself and others

When a member of the class lost their spider, Jacob offered his beetle, showing compassion and care. well done!

Wolves: April - Work hard and concentrate

April always gives 100% effort in every lesson and works hard to improve her writing. A great start to year 3!

Meerkats: Tyler - Work hard and concentrate

Tyler has worked extremely hard this week in all his learning areas. What a marvellous Meerkat!

Narwhals: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

Jack has worked so hard in all areas of the curriculum this week, really challenging and applying himself in Maths in particular. What a super start to year 5!

Squirrels: Lucas & Henry - All learning behaviours

You have both been amazing this week! You have supported the children in Early Years with enthusiasm and kindness, as well as stepping up to any challenges asked of you. Well done!

Sport Cup: Charlie - Work hard and concentrate

Charlie persevered in netball this week and showed great skills and team work during the matches. well done!




