Tiger Cubs: Hazel - All learning behaviours
Hazel has blossomed into a focussed and determined learner, we are very proud of her.
Elephants: Ruby - All learning behaviours
Ruby is a fantastic example to her friends, she focusses, works hard and is a kind classmate to everyone. What a joy it is to have you in our class!
Dolphins: Hannah - All learning behaviours
Wow! What an amazing member of Dolphin class. Hannah is an example to everyone at St. Andrew's with her 'can do' attitude towards her work and her ability to support her friends.
Swans: Joshua - Improve
What an amazing week Joshua has had. He has been focussed on all areas of his learning, especially his writing. Even working in his own time!
Giraffes: Oliver - Improve
Oliver wrote an excellent piece of descriptive writing using adventurous vocabulary and similes, and created a great mental image of London.
Doves: Nathan - Work hard and concentrate
Nathan has invested such effort in his written work this week, well done!
Ravens: Cameron - Don't give up
Cameron has stuck at his reading part in the play. He has been resilient and resourceful!
Sport Cup: Ava - Work hard and concentrate
Ava worked really hard in PE this week, showing great tennis skills and control. Great work!