Tiger Cubs: Georgia - Respect yourself and others
Georgia, all of us are impressed with what a great example you are to Tiger Cub class. You always behave so beautifully ALL of the time.
Elephants: Jase - Improve
Jase has been so keen to improve this week that he has even asked his teachers for extra work to take home. Keep it up, Jake. Amazing!
Dolphins: Angel - All Learning behaviours
Angel is a shining example in Dolphin class. She always works to her best ability and is a kind friend to everyone. Well done!
Swans: Joe - All learning behaviours
Joe excels in ALL areas of ALL of our six learning behaviours. He always tries to challenge himself, especially learning sign language!
Giraffes: Henry - Work hard and concentrate
Henry always brings a positive attitude to his learning and has created great writing this week linked to 'Grumpycorn'.
Doves: Jake - Respect yourself and others
Jake showed such incredible respect on our school trip, putting a friend ahead of himself to help them complete a challenge. What a great friend you are, Jake!
Ravens: Sunny - Imagine
Sunny has used his imagination to write a brilliantly descriptive poem based on 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. Well done for being so creative and innovative!
Sport Cup: Jonny - Work hard and concentrate
Jonny worked hard this week during bench ball showing good tackles when both defending and attacking. Well done!