
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Lovebirds: Emily - Imagine.

Well done Emily for thinking of magical moments she spends with her family and sharing them with lovebirds.

Pandas: Erin - Imagine.

Erin shared her imaginative ideas for actions, for everyone to learn for our poem. She thought creatively about how to match actions to the images from the poem. Pandas loved the ideas and gave Erin a "whoosh".

Giraffes: Jasmine - Work hard and concentrate.

Jasmine has shown fantastic focus this week. She has thought about her learning and shared her understanding confidently with the rest of the class. Well done Jasmine!

Seahorses: Bella - Imagine.

During RE this week, Bella thought very deeply about light and dark, explaining how light is used as a religious symbol. She also explained her ideas very clearly for the benefit of others in her class!

Ocelots: Holli - Work hard and concentrate.

Hollie always works hard. She focuses questions and takes on board suggestions on how to improve. Also she tries to help others whenever she can. Well done Holli!

Polar Bears: Jaden - Work hard and concentrate.

Jaden has concentrated very well this week in both maths and literacy. Well done Jaden, keep up the hard work!

Golden Eagles: Hannah - Work hard and concentrate.

Hannah has been brilliant this week, working hard and concentrating, especially on her writing. She wrote a fabulous poem about the Titanic, which was a pleasure to read. Well done Hannah!

Falcons: Oliver - Work hard and concentrate.

Oliver produced a fantastic piece of WWII homework which he shared with the class. We were all fascinated hearing about Oliver's great granddad who flew a Lancaster bomber. Well done!

Sports Cup: Oliver.

Well done Oliver for trying new things and improving.



