
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Tiger Cubs: Hazel - Work hard and concentrate

Hazel has amazed us this week. She has loved learning the Gingerbread Man story, learning about money and has responded with awe and wonder!

Elephants: Findlay - Work hard and concentrate

Findlay has had an amazing week. He has shown perseverance, been focused and stayed on green. We are so proud of you, Findlay!

Dolphins: Heath - Work hard and concentrate

Heath is such a hard worker. He puts 100% into all his class work. He has especially worked hard learning his number bonds to 10 with Mrs George.

Swans: Jessica - Work hard and concentrate

Jess has had an amazing week, working extremely hard in all lessons, making her teacher so proud. I know you are proud of yourself too, Jessica, a super Swan class member.

Giraffes: Jess - Respect yourself and others

This week, Jess has shown compassion and love to others and has been reflective and thoughtful with her friends.

Doves: Joshua - Don't give up

Josh perseveres in all that he does, particularly in Maths and English this week, and should be proud of his achievements.

Ravens: Ruby - Work hard and concentrate

We were all fascinated by the WWII photographs Ruby brought into school. She recounted so many details about her relatives and spoke so clearly. Well done Ruby.

Sport Cup: Angel - Work hard and concentrate

Angel has worked hard and really enjoyed her learning in dance this week. She showed great accuracy and precision when moving with rhythm to the beat of the music. Well done Angel!

