
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Lovebirds:Alfie - Improve.

For making good choices in class. Keep up the good work!

Pandas: Anna - Improve.

Anna has had an amazing first week back. She has been busy doing lots of extra work and this week has produced lots of fantastic writing. What a treat to read!

Seahorses: Chloe - Improve.

Chloe has worked hard to extend her knowledge of shape this week. Keep up the great effort. Well done Chloe!

Giraffes: Charlotte - Respect yourself and others.

Charlotte is a kind and helpful giraffe. She has shown kindness to lots of giraffes this week. Well done Charlotte!

Ocelots: Jonathan - Work hard and concentrate.

Jonathan always gives 100% in everything he does. He is enthusiastic, helpful and focuses on the right thing. Keep it up Jonathan!

Polar Bears: Thomas - Don't give up.

Thomas showed tremendous perseverance and resilience during our maths work on fractions this week. What a super attitude to your learning Thomas.

Golden Eagles: Oliver - Improve.

Oliver has settled back into his work this week, showing super determination to improve and concentrate. He produced an amazing power point over the Christmas holidays, to prepare himself for our new topic. Well done Oliver!

Falcons: Jack - Work hard and concentrate.

What an amazing week. Jack has been focused and keen to learn, particularly in maths. Well done!

Sports Cup: Phebe.

Phebe has been determined to improve and has had a desire to achieve. She has worked incredibly hard and been a great team member.


