Tiger Cubs: Andrew -Don't give up
Andy has shown real determination this week. He stuck at the challenge of creating a 'Super Hero' costume, even when it was tricky. Andy, your smile lit up the room!
Elephants: Elissa - Respect yourself and others
Elissa is always making good choices. She is keen to learn and works well with others. A terrific member of Elephant class.
Dolphins: Safia - Don't give up
Safia had a super 'Big Write', she had each sentence in her head and used her sounds to write the 'Tricky' words. Super writing, Safia!
Swans: Elis - Work hard and concentrate
Elis has worked extremely hard this week in all subjects and has created an amazing 'Big Write'
Giraffes: George - Don't give up
George persevered this week in Maths when solving two-step word problems. What a great Giraffe class member!
Doves: Chloe - All learning behaviours
It has been so wonderful seeing Chloe feeling proud of herself in so many areas of learning this week. Your hard work has really paid off!
Ravens: Luca - Work hard and concentrate
Luca has given every session 100%. He has produced some detailed writing and art work. Keep it up, Luca!
Sport Cup: Aaron - Work hard and concentrate
Aaron worked really hard on his throwing technique in dodgeball and amazed the class when he was the last person standing! Well done!