Zebras: Harrison - Work hard and concentrate
Harry works hard when he is at school, but we have noticed all his extra hours at home too! What a fantastic learner and great role-model you are!
Chameleons: Layla - All learning behaviours
Layla challenges herself at every opportunity. This week she has thrown herself into everything, especially her 'Big Write' which she completed with great confidence.
Red Pandas: Maisy - Work hard and concentrate
Maisy has impressed us this week with her independent learning. She always tries her best and has demonstrated different methods of division confidently. Well done, Maisy.
King Cobras: Eva - All learning behaviours
Eva consistently demonstrates all the St Andrew's learning behaviours; the perfect role-model. Well done, Eva, you are such a star!
Polar Bears: Eddie - Work hard and concentrate
You have blown us away with your focus and hard work this week, Eddie. You've been so perceptive when discussing our class novel and taking enormous pride in your written work. Keep it up!
Koalas: Jaden - Work hard and concentrate
Jaden always works hard with his learning partner and challenges himself in all areas of the curriculum. Great work, Jaden!
Mountain Goats: Amber - Don't give up
Amber has thrown herself into some challenging problem solving in Maths with such determination to succeed this week. Well done, Amber!
Sport Cup: Leo - Respect yourself and others
Leo showed respect and supported his team mates during races this week. Well done!