
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher Cup Winners

This week’s Headteacher Cup Winners

Love Birds:  Jack  -  Work hard and concentrate

For choosing a pirate whoosh challenge, great adding Jack!

Pandas:  Jack  -  Work hard and concentrate

Jack has had a very busy week back at school.  He is always to be found working hard and challenging himself in both his maths and Phonics.  Well done, Jack!

Seahorses:  Chayton  -  Work hard and concentrate

Chay is obviously putting in the hours at home.  Not only did he improve his spelling score this week, he also got 10/10.  What an amazing effort Chay, keep it up!

Giraffes:  Sam -  Respect yourself and others

Sam has been super helpful this week to all the Giraffes, including the adults! Thank you Sam and keep it up!

Ocelots:  Sunny  -  Try new things

Sunny enjoys taking risks with his learning and looks for opportunities to set himself challenges.  He quietly perseveres and is resilient and determined, even when things are hard.  Super work, Sunny, keep it up.

Polar Bears:  Harvey  -  Work hard and concentrate

It has been super seeing you putting so much effort into your writing, Harvey, working so hard to apply everything that we have been learning and proudly sharing what you have written!  Keep it up!

Golden Eagles:  Leo  -  Work hard and concentrate

Leo has really worked hard this week, settling down to tasks without a fuss.  He also really tried his best during our topic day on the ‘Stone Age’.  Well done, Leo!

Falcons:  Oliver  -  Imagination

Oliver has used his imagination in response to the war poetry we have read and he has used some great vocabulary in his own writing.

Sports Cup:  Lily Evans  -  Respect yourself and others

Lily has shown great sportsmanship and effort in PE this week.  Super, Lily!
