
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Swimming Trophy

    Fri 16 Dec 2016
    Congratulations to Ben, in year 6, who received the Tracey Bright Swimming Trophy. The trophy is awarded to a local school, for a pupil who has shown determination and perseverance in swimming. As well as making super progress, Ben's confidence has soared and he always strives to do his best. Well done, Ben!
  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 16 Dec 2016

    Caterpillars: Emily- Improve

    Emily puts in lots of effort at school and home and it is really showing as she is always improving! This week she wrote a sentence and then added a connective!

    Bats: Jessica - Respect yourself and others

    Jessica has been a brilliant bat throughout Nativity rehearsals and performances. She has shown kindness and patience to others just like her angel character in the story.

    Honey Bees: Erin - Work hard and concentrate

    A star performance, Erin in our nativity. Erin has also amazed us with how quickly she is able to pick up new thngs and then remember them weeks on. Super concentration Erin.

    Huskies: William - Work hard and concentrate

    William has persevered and has written a whole page and more, his special write has wowed us all! Fantastic effort William, keep it up!

    Otters: Elsie - Respect yourself and others

    Elsie has been such a supportive writing partner this week, working with other children to develop their ideas. Great collaboration and imagination, Elsie!

    Koalas: Alex - Improve

    Alex has been working so hard to improve her work in maths. She has mastered division now, which is excellent to see. Keep up the hard work Alex!

    Panthers: Jessica - Respect yourself and others

    Jessica has given an hour of her time to work with other children in KS1 art club. She has been patient and understanding and the extra help she has given has been invaluable.

    Sport Cup: Anna - Work hard and concentrate

    Anna was brilliant in hockey this week, concentrating and working really hard on improving technique with excellent results! Well done Anna.

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 09 Dec 2016

    Caterpillars: Sophia - Respect yourself and others

    Sophia has been a caring and kind caterpillar this week, not only to her classmates but also the adults. A great effort, keep it up Sophia!

    Bats: Marley - Improve

    Marley has been carefully using feedback in writing to make excellent improvements to his story. Great to see and even better to read in his story!

    Honey Bees: Sienna - Improve and Work hard and concentrate

    Sienna always tries her best in and out of the classroom. This has been seen in the nativity, where she has done a great job learning her lines and playing her instrument. Fantastic effort!

    Huskies: Chloe - Work hard and concentrate

    Chloe works hard to focus on her learning and is always ready straight away. Brilliant Chloe, keep it up!

    Otters: Marney - Work hard and concentrate

    Marney has been putting in huge amounts of effort, at home as well as at school. It is wonderful to see such motivation to improve and enthusiasm. Well done Marney!

    Koalas: Issie - Improve

    Issie has amazed us with her work in maths this week. She is improving in leaps and bounds and even said 'I cant believe that this is my brain working these out, it has grown so much'. Well done Issie.

    Panthers: Oliver - Improve

    Oliver has made great steps in his writing and extension mathematics this week. Well done Oliver.

    Sport Cup: Leo - Improve

    Leo has striven to make things better and to do his best when playing netball - he even scored his first goal this week! Super playing Leo!





  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 02 Dec 2016

    Caterpillars: Isabelle -Work hard and concentrate

    Isabelle has tried to include writing in all her challenges this week. She does lots of writing at home too and is very proud to show her fellow caterpillars.

    Bats: Ava - Respect yourself and others

    Ava is a tremendous learning buddy in Bats class. She is patient and able to work with others brilliantly. What a wonderful quality to see!

    Honey Bees: Ruby - Don't give up

    We've been so impressed with how much Ruby has come along in her writing this week. She listened so well and finished some super instructions for her superhero sandwich. Keep up this determination in everything Ruby!

    Huskies: Charlotte - Imagine

    We were really blown away by Charlotte's writing in 'Big Write'. It put a big smile on our faces. Keep it up Charlotte and well done!

    Otters: Ruby - Improve

    Ruby has worked so hard at her maths this week and wowed us all by multiplying and dividing decimals by 100 independently! We're so proud Ruby!

    Koalas: Dylan - Work hard and concentrate

    Dylan has really impressed us with his maths work on division this week. He has challenged himself to work on tricky division problems, both with Mrs Thompson and on his own!

    Panthers: Evie - Improve

    Evie has striven to improve her maths and has excelled in ratio and proportion work this week. Keep it up!

    Sport Cup: Lucas - Try new things

    Lucas did really well in hockey this week, showing great concentration and skill. Well done and keep it up!



