
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Year 5 - Toucans

'The Wonders of Water' 


Our final topic this year will be focusing in on water! This will allow children the chance to explore solids, liquids and gases and also the water cycle. We will also be looking at water distribution and ways to save water as we think ahead to the future! 


In addition, Year 5 will be busy rehearsing for their summer production of Alice in Wonderland that they will perform with Year 6 in the last week of term. 


An Anglo-Saxon Adventure!


Welcome back to the summer term! We started our term with a fantastic trip to West Stow Anglo-Saxon village where we became archaeologists for the day, researching artefacts and hunting for clues about how the Anglo-Saxons lived 1500 years ago! 


Our learning back in school will build on our new found knowledge, with a study of the historic epic poem Beowulf being used to provide further information. 


Here we are at West Stow (enjoying the glorious weather):

West Stow Trip

Goal Scorers - 22/03/18

Learning Together - Reading Fluency


Our recent Learning Together focused on sharing what we have been doing in class to improve reading fluency, inference and enjoyment! Toucan class enjoyed sharing with you the poem they had learnt using fluency techniques and the range of activities highlighted the different skills we practice to aid reading comprehension! 


Please have a go at some of these at home! 

Learning Together Spring Term - Reading

Spring 2


In Year 5 this half term we are going to be exploring Volcanoes! We will be finding out where they can be found, how they are formed and look at what happens when they explode! 


Towards the end of the half term we will begin our new whole class text 'Beowulf' which will help us understand out summer topic all about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. 


Our Learning Together this term will take place on Thursday 15th March , with our focus being on reading fluency and a range of strategies to support children's reading. 

Spring 1

This term Toucan class will be going to 'Infinity and Beyond' as they discover all about space! They will discovering fascinating facts about the sun, moon and other planets as well as why we have day and night!



We will be reading FaRTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith, a story about touching story about a father and son. It is sure to inspire some fantastic writing this term!

Goal scorers 'Lily and the snowman'.

Goal Scorers The Mammoth in the Ice!

Goals scorers Stig of the Dump!

Friday 17th November 2017

Shakespeare Day - Hamlet


Today Toucans had a brilliant day exploring the Shakespeare play, Hamlet. St Andrew's welcomed professional actors, who spent the day immersing the children in the plot and sharing different ways to create tension. The whole class had the chance to participate in a range of different ways, before becoming an attentive audience in the afternoon. The play was exciting and at times quite shocking and kept us all on the edge of our seats until the very end. 


What an incredible experience!

Hamlet Day

Toucans Learning Together 

Wednesday 15th November!


Thanks to all those parents who came along to our Christmas themed Learning Together. The children were so excited to have you all there and enjoyed making their peppermint cream and Malteser fudge! The recipe is on our class page too if you wanted to have another go at home!

Learning Together!

Recipes for Learning Together

Goal Scorers!

Wednesday 8th November 2017


University of Essex Trip


Today we had the opportunity to visit the Essex University Campus to take part in an arts day which is part of the 'Discover in a Day' project. We were able to take part in drama activities, as well as an artist study and an illustration session. We really enjoyed learning about John Constable, a very famous local landscape artist. To conclude the day, we looked at the art of illustration and had great fun developing a character and background using a collage technique. The day was enjoyed by all and certainly inspired our imagination!

Art Trip!

Autumn 2!


Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term! This term we will be travelling back in time to the 'Savage Stone Age' and exploring the lives of people living up to 3 million years ago! 


Our Learning Together will be on Wednesday 15th November at the new time of 1.30 pm. Our theme will be Christmas present baking ideas! 


Goalscorers News Reports

Welcome to Toucan Class! 



Welcome to Year 5! Please keen an eye on this page as it will be updated often with photos and other key information as we progress through the term.


In the first few weeks of term we will be exploring Rudyard Kipling’s Just So stories, using this as inspiration for a piece of writing about how the toucan got their colourful beak. In addition, we will research about the habitat and life of the toucan and portray this through art inspired by Henri Rousseau.



The remainder of the half term will focus on our biology learning, a topic called ‘The Circulation Game’. Here we will develop our understanding of muscles, the skeleton and the circulatory system. Alongside this we will be reading an adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to coincide with all things ‘body’!


Goalscorers Autumn 1!
