
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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This week's Headteacher Cup Winners - 13th February 2015

This week’s Headteacher Cup Winners
Pufflings:  Oliver  -  Work hard and concentrate
Oliver has been working hard in Literacy and we are all extremely pleased with his attitude towards his learning and fellow Pufflings.
Kangaroos:  Lila  -  Improving
Lila has shown a huge improvement in phonics this week and we are very proud of her.  Not only that but she always helps others to improve around our class which is wonderful to see.
Chipmunks:  Sackson  -  Work hard and concentrate
Sackson has made a huge effort to learn our porcupine story this week and has told it with such enthusiasm.  Well done Sackson!
Penguins:  Freia  -  Respect
For thinking carefully about how to stay safe online, designing a poster with top tips.
Spider Monkeys:  Emilie  - Try new things
Emilie is not afraid to try new challenges and enjoy having a go.  She happily tried each chocolate bar recipe and gave her decision which was her favourite.  Yummy work!
Wolves:  All of Yr 4  -  Work hard and concentrate, try new things and don’t give up!
Wolves, you have amazed your teachers this week with your resilience, dedication and determination to learn your roles for our forthcoming production.  You have enjoyed having a go, put in the hours and practised lots at home, super effort.  Keep it up everyone!
Owls:  Ashton  -  Work hard and concentrate
Ashton has worked so hard and imaginatively to create his own graphic novel inspired by Beowulf.  It sent shivers down all our spines when you told it at Forest School, Ashton  -  what incredible writing, what a star!
Brown Bears:  Ellie  -  Work hard and concentrate
Ellie has made brilliant progress in all areas.  She has concentrated hard in English and Maths lessons this term.
Sports Cup:  Jacob and Liam  -  Improve
Training runs and the Ramsey cross country race have both been approached with the same enthusiasm and 100% effort.  Congratulations Jacob and Liam on a fantastic improvement in the Level 1 competition  -  Jacob from 16th last year to 3rd this year and Liam from 16th last year to 7th this year.
