
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Turtles: Freya - Respect yourself and others

Freya is always keen to help others when she can, including the adults in the classroom. She loves to make sure everyone has had a turn at all the activities, she even wrote a list of names to ensure this. What a caring Turtle!

Flamingos: Daisy - Work hard and concentrate

Daisy has come back this term with a great attitude towards her learning. She is trying so hard with a beaming smile! Well done, Daisy!

Sun Bears: Isabel - Respect yourself and others

Isabel has had an amazing few weeks in Sun Bears. Issie has made a huge effort to make the right choices with her behaviour. She has managed distractions brilliantly.

Foxes: George - Improve

George has showed a great attitude to his learning and stayed very focussed when in class, dealing with all distractions admirably. Well done, George!

Badgers: Samuel - Respect yourself and others

Sam's caring and dedicated nature means that he goes out of his way to help others whenever he can, both adults and children alike. You're such a super role model!

Toucans: Ben - Work hard and concentrate

Ben worked extremely hard in Maths and English this week. He contributed well in discussions and gave super explanations and definitions for key vocabulary. Well done!

Sharks: Annabelle - Work hard and concentrate

Annabelle has remained really focussed on her work. She has produced some great maths, a super start to the new half term!

Sport Cup: Amy - Try new things

Amy showed great thinking and listening skills during gymnastics this week. She demonstrated a lovely balance using one body part that no-one else thought of! Well done, Amy!


