
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Tiger Cubs: Elijah - All Learning Behaviours

Elijah is an all round superstar, he tries hard in all his work.  He has made some amazing contributions to  our carpet times this week.  He is building great confidence in his ability across the curriculum.  Well done Elijah

Reindeers: Arthur - Imagine

Arthur worked really hard this week to narrate his team in the story of "The Three Little Pigs".  He used a big expressive voice and supported his team really well.

Fennec Foxes: Tudor - Work Hard & Concentrate

Tudor has made such great progress this year.  He is an excellent example of how you can achieve great things through hard work and determination! Well done Tudor!

Pandas: Connie - Imagine

Connie has been so imaginative in her creative writing this week and has produced some beautiful diary extract about discovering the Iron Man.  Well done Connie

Snow Leopards: Leonardo - Work Hard and Concentrate

Leo has been working so hard on his spelling recently. Putting in lots of practice and smashing his spelling tests! Keep up the great work.

Turtles: Ava - Don't Give Up

Ava, you have shown such resilience and determination with your maths this week.  Keep believing in yourself - we are so proud of you!

Seals: Freddie - Improve

Freddie, has been working so hard to improve his reading stamina and comprehension - what a difference you're making!

Sports Cup:  Louie - Respect Yourself and Others

Louie has started the New Year with a positive outlook in his PE lessons.  He has shown excellent listening skills and this shows when he is able to display good skills and knowledge about keeping fit and healthy.  Well done Louie!
