
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Lily - Work hard and concentrate

Lily amazed us this week by independently completing sums! She counted two amounts, added them together and wrote her answer by finding it on a number line. Amazing Lily!

Bats: Rhys - Improve

Rhys has steadily been improving his handwriting since he began his new workbook. He is very proud of the work he is producing and the difference it is making to his story writing.

Honey Bees: Alfie - Work hard and concentrate

Amazing concentration leads to amazing work! This is certainly the case for Alfie. He never gets distracted or put off by the challenges he faces. Keep up your fabulous attitude. It is admired by many.

Huskies: Vinnie - Work hard and concentrate

Vinnie wowed us with his story this week. Vinnie wrote this at home and used speech marks, question marks and exclamation marks accurately. Wow Vinnie!

Otters: Freia - Improve

Freia is making such an effort to focus on her learning, make a positive contribution to whole class discussions and strive for accuracy.

Koalas: Seb - Work hard and concentrate

Seb has showed his ability to work hard and concentrate multiple times this week. He worked particularly hard in English, when he wrote an excellent alternative version of 'The three little pigs!' Well done Seb!

Panthers: Jemima - Don't give up!

Jemima is a really resilient learner. She really sticks at things she finds challenging and is making brilliant progress.

Sport Cup: Jack - Try new things

Jack tried really hard with Hockey this week and enjoyed having a go! Well done Jack, keep it up!


